How did all this Happen?



 Well, it’s a Funny Story.

I’m just a small town gal from Brevard, NC. I grew up working on cars and motorcycles with my family, which instilled a love of mechanisms in me from a young age. I took this love with me all the way into my college machine shop, which then turned into robotics and somehow… Theatre. I got sucked into the university scene shop and never looked back, which took me all up and down the East Coast (and Dubai that one time) building sets for regional theaters all the way up to national tours. It was a wild ride, and I wouldn’t give anything for it.

However, 2020 came knocking and shook things up a bit. As I’m sure you’re aware, the entertainment industry stalled and I was left with few options. Thus I took my accrued skills elsewhere, and went from being a technical director and scenic designer to being a woodworker, and then an engineer, and then a mechanic, and then a contractor, and then a handyman, and then a product designer, and then an audio technician, and… you get the point. I take all of these experiences with me on every job, and find that it provides an wide point of view from which to scout solutions for problems. I still take gigs in all of these fields to keep my tool set from getting rusty, and enjoy them all greatly. This is the foundation of Working Load Limit Industries, and by extension Wavery Productions:

A belligerent distaste for specialization.

Everybody’s heard the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none,” but as Adam Savage so poignantly coins, time has long forgotten the ending of it.

“A Jack of all trades - master of none - is far oft better than a master of one.”

Complex problems, complex visions and complex projects require complex skill sets to solve. I broadly categorize myself in manufacturing and design, as foretold by the heading on my title page - “I work with my hands.” However, I want to explore every single craft within that designation as far as it will take me. There’s something exhilarating about the ability of human beings to affect our surroundings with care, thoughtfulness, and precision. Personally, it’s what makes me tick. With the dearly paid price of the time we have on this Earth, we can hope to make it better for the generations that follow us - seasoned with a hell of a lot of sweat and love. Almost everything you will interact with over the course of your life is the product of somebody hyper-fixating on that specific item for days, if not weeks and months. I’m happy to be a part of that sleepless machine, and wouldn’t have it any other way.